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LUDIC Wooden Brush Vinyl Goat

LUDIC Wooden Brush Vinyl Goat   LUDIC Ξύλινη βούρτσα βινυλίου κατσίκας. Κατασκευασμένο από ξύλο και φυσικό τρίχωμα κατσίκας, Αυτή η

Magnepan 20.7


Magnepan 20.7

Αυτά τα Maggies έχουν την ικανότητα να μεταφέρουν τους ακροατές σε ένα διαφορετικό μέρος και χρόνο και εκεί να αναδημιουργούν ρεαλιστικά τον ήχο των ακουστικών οργάνων και τον χώρο της ηχογράφησης σε πραγματικά μεγέθη. Αν και σε αυτό το πάρτι θα πρέπει να διαθέσεις αρκετή ισχύ για να τροφοδοτήσεις τα 20.7 και αρκετό χώρο για να τα χωρέσει. Αυτά έγραψε ο Don Saltzman από το absolute sound στο τεύχος 249 για τα Magnepan 20.7... Τα MG 20.7 είναι ένα μαγνητοστατικό πάνελ μεγάλο, τριών δρόμων με Ribbon Tweeter - Planar-Magnetic με απόκριση από 25-40 kHz αντίσταση 4 Ohm και ευαισθησία 86dB.

Magnepan 20.7

Magnepan 20.7

Magnepan 3.7i


Magnepan 3.7i

Τα Magnepan MG 3.7i είναι τα πρώτα ηχεία δαπέδου της γκάμας των Magnepan που ενσωματώνουν το διάσημο ribbon tweeter της εταιρείας μαζί με την quasi-ribbon bass και midrange μονάδα της Magnepan. Τα maggie 3.7i είναι 3 δρόμων με ευαισθησία 86dB στα 4 Ohm και έχουν απόκριση 35Hz- 40 kHz και όπως γράφει ο Jonathan Valin από το absolute sound είναι best buy.. στην κατηγορία τιμής τους.

Magnepan 3.7i

Magnepan 3.7i

Magnepan MG .7


Magnepan MG .7

Τα Magnepan MG.7 είναι ηχεία πάνελ Full Range Quasi Ribbon. Είναι ένα μαγνητοστατικό πάνελ δυο δρόμων με ευαισθησία 86dB με αντίσταση 4Ω και με απόκριση συχνότητας 45Hz - 22KHz. Τα MG.7 είναι η εισαγωγή στο μαγικό κόσμο των μαγνητοστατικών δίπολων πάνελ με τις ξεχωριστές χροιές και την τεράστια στερεοφωνική εικόνα.

Magnepan MG .7

Magnepan MG .7

Magnepan MG 1.7


Magnepan MG 1.7

Τα Magnepan MG 1.7 είναι ηχεία πάνελ Full Range Quasi Ribbon. Τα MG 1.7 είναι μαγνητοστατικά πάνελ τριών (3) δρόμων με ευαισθησία 86dB με αντίσταση 4Ω και με απόκριση συχνότητας 40Hz - 24KHz. Ο Jonathan Valin από το absolute sound έγραψε για τα MG1.7 "Αυτό είναι ένα γνήσιο Hall of Famer και μια εύκολη επιλογή για το Budget Product of the Year 2021." επιλέγοντας το τριών δρόμων, full range, quasi-ribbon δίπολο MG 1.7 ως ένα από τα αγαπημένα του ηχεία τα τελευταία 70 χρόνια. Το πάνελ της Magnepan διαθέτει υψηλή ανάλυση, χαμηλή παραμόρφωση, με αρκετά μπάσα και πρίμα (υπερυψηλής ποιότητας) για να ικανοποιήσει οποιονδήποτε εκτός από κάποιον που ακούει heavy metal. Το δίπολο της Magnepan έχει μια μεσαία περιοχή που αναπαράγει καλά ηχογραφημένες φωνές και ακουστικά όργανα με εντυπωσιακό ρεαλισμό. Είναι ένα από αυτά τα "sweet-spot" θαύματα που αναδύονται κάθε δεκαετία ή δύο. Το 1.7 δίνει μια γενναιόδωρη γεύση από όλα όσα μπορούν να κάνουν τα μεγαλύτερα και ακριβότερα Maggie. Σε αυτό το συμπερασμα του Jonathan Valin - για την τελευταία έκδοση του MG 1.7, συμφώνησε και ο reviewr του absolute sound John Nork ο οποίος και τελικά αγόρασε το ζεύγος που έκανε είχε πάρει για review.

Magnepan MG 1.7

Magnepan MG 1.7

Marantz CD60

Επιλογή Αυτό το προϊόν έχει πολλαπλές παραλλαγές. Οι επιλογές μπορούν να επιλεγούν στη σελίδα του προϊόντος

Marantz CD60

Marantz CD60 Extraordinary sound and peerless style—Marantz CD 60 celebrates your CD collection with a player engineered to sound better than any other in this class. Built with high quality materials and Sound Master tuned, CD 60 adds precision CD playback to MODEL 40n or any high-quality audio system.

Iconic Design for Modern CD Enthusiasts
Built with high quality materials and Sound Master tuned to inspire listeners to discover new details in their favourite CDs.

CD 60 is for those who cherish their CD collections and who seek to discover new details upon every listen

The Marantz Sound Master meticulously tuned CD 60 for amazing performance with careful parts selection to create the Most Musical Sound in your home.

In the CD 60, the proprietary HDAM circuit has been further optimized from its previous version by placing the parts symmetrically on the audio board and creating a more direct signal path. This update improves the sound stage from the previous models in pursuit of The Most Musical Sound.

The CD 60 can play back MP3, WMA, AAC and WAV, FLAC HD, ALAC, AIFF (up to 192-kHz/24bit), and DSD (up to 5.6- MHz) files from a connected USB storage device.

Artisanal Design
CD & CD-R/RW Support
Exclusive HDAM
High Res USB Playback
Marantz Musical Digital Filtering

Marantz CD60 cd player

Marantz CINEMA 30

Επιλογή Αυτό το προϊόν έχει πολλαπλές παραλλαγές. Οι επιλογές μπορούν να επιλεγούν στη σελίδα του προϊόντος

Marantz CINEMA 30

Marantz CINEMA 30 Crafted with premium materials for timeless style, the CINEMA 30 is the most refined AV Receiver Marantz has ever created, redefining premium home theater sound. Designed with exclusive technology honed from decades of rich heritage, its 11.4 channels deliver unrivaled performance and can easily power even the largest home theaters.

• Made in Shirakawa, Japan
• 11.4 Channels
• 140 Watts per Channel
• 7 HDMI Inputs (all 8K) and eARC
• 8K & Dolby Atmos
• HEOS Built-in

Timeless yet modern in style

Excellence is heard and seen. The CINEMA 30 AV Receiver is meticulously crafted in Japan with authentic materials in a modern style befitting its rich heritage and stunning performance.

No Mechanical Compromise

HiFi performance technologies, such as HDAM SA-2 and others, elevate the CINEMA 30 to levels of performance rarely found in an AVR.

Customised and Calibrated by Marantz Sound Masters for You

The Cinema 30 features the best calibration and tuning tools, allowing you to get the best performance from your system.

Technology Leader

Seven HDMI inputs, as well as digital, analogue and phono inputs – even analogue video plus speaker and preamp outputs – ensure you can connect to almost any source you have.

Marantz CINEMA 30

Marantz CINEMA 40 Premium 9.4

Επιλογή Αυτό το προϊόν έχει πολλαπλές παραλλαγές. Οι επιλογές μπορούν να επιλεγούν στη σελίδα του προϊόντος

Marantz CINEMA 40 Premium 9.4

Marantz CINEMA 40 Premium 9.4 A reference-level AV Receiver, CINEMA 40 is a statement piece engineered with the latest immersive audio formats poised to deliver rich, spacious, and enveloping Marantz sound.

Crafted in Shirakawa, Japan
9.4 Channels
125 Watts per Channel
7 HDMI Inputs plus eARC
8K & Dolby Atmos
HEOS Built-in
5 Year Warranty

Built upon decades of rich heritage, designed with timeless style, and engineered for utmost performance, Marantz CINEMA Series are the foundation of the world's most demanding home theaters.

A modern expression of timeless design principles, CINEMA 40 features the iconic Marantz porthole, premium materials, and subtle sidelights that illuminate the front panel.

Immersive spaciousness, warm and rich tone, extraordinary detail and lifelike dynamics are legendary hallmarks of Marantz sound.

The Marantz Sound Master meticulously tuned CINEMA 40 for amazing performance with careful parts selection to create the Most Musical Sound in your home.

CINEMA 40 comes complete with the latest immersive audio formats, 8K video, room optimization, streaming, and more technology to simplify and elevate your enjoyment.

Marantz CINEMA 40 Premium 9.4

Marantz CINEMA 50 Premium 9.4

Επιλογή Αυτό το προϊόν έχει πολλαπλές παραλλαγές. Οι επιλογές μπορούν να επιλεγούν στη σελίδα του προϊόντος

Marantz CINEMA 50 Premium 9.4

Marantz CINEMA 50 Premium 9.4

Equipped with the latest immersive audio formats, CINEMA 50 is equally ideal for a dedicated home theater space or multi-use living room. Its thoughtfully selected connectivity options, flexible speaker arrangement, and fine-tuning ability allow you to make CINEMA 50 your own.

Artisinal Design
9.4 Channels
110 Watts per Channel
6 HDMI Inputs plus eARC
8K & Dolby Atmos
HEOS Built-in
5 Year Warranty

Built upon decades of rich heritage, designed with timeless style, and engineered for utmost performance, Marantz CINEMA Series are the foundation of the world's most demanding home theaters.

A modern expression of timeless design principles, CINEMA 50 features the iconic Marantz porthole, symmetrical design, and front panel controls elegantly hidden from view.

Immersive spaciousness, warm and rich tone, extraordinary detail and lifelike dynamics are legendary hallmarks of Marantz sound.

The Marantz Sound Master meticulously tuned CINEMA 50 for amazing performance with our proprietary HDAM amplification circuitry to create the Most Musical Sound in your home.

CINEMA 50 comes complete with the latest immersive audio formats, 8K video, room optimization, streaming, and more technology to simplify and elevate your enjoyment.

Marantz CINEMA 50 Premium 9.4

Marantz CINEMA 70s Slimline 7.2

Επιλογή Αυτό το προϊόν έχει πολλαπλές παραλλαγές. Οι επιλογές μπορούν να επιλεγούν στη σελίδα του προϊόντος

Marantz CINEMA 70s Slimline 7.2

Marantz CINEMA 70s Slimline 7.2Performance, Technology and Slim Design

The CINEMA 70s is a multi-talented, slim-line AV amplifier. With 7.2 channels and 50 Watts per channel, Dolby Atmos, DTS:X and 8K Ultra HD as well as the well-known HEOS network platform for multiroom connectivity. It looks discreet in appearance, but remains an AV receiver with high capacity.

· Slim Design

· 7.2 Channels

· 50 Watts per Channel

· 6 HDMI Inputs and eARC

· 8K & Dolby Atmos

· HEOS Built-in

The CINEMA 70s features the latest immersive audio formats, 8K video, room acoustic optimization, streaming and more technologies to simplify and elevate your enjoyment.


The CINEMA 70s has been meticulously engineered by Marantz’s global Sound Master team for outstanding performance with our exclusive HDAM amplification circuit to create the most Musical Sound in your home!

Slim Design and Style

Excellence is heard and seen. The CINEMA 70s’ sleek design makes it less than half the height of many receivers, yet the design remains luxurious with every element carefully selected.

Tailored to your preferences

Multiple connection options and precise adjustment of settings allow you to configure the CINEMA 70s exactly how you want it.

Easy to operate and install

The included remote control, easy front panel settings and intuitive on-screen setup process make you feel like an expert user right away.


Six HDMI inputs, plus digital, analog and phono inputs, as well as speaker and preamp outputs ensure connections to any other device you may have.

Marantz CINEMA 70s Slimline 7.2

Marantz MELODY X

Επιλογή Αυτό το προϊόν έχει πολλαπλές παραλλαγές. Οι επιλογές μπορούν να επιλεγούν στη σελίδα του προϊόντος

Marantz MELODY X

Marantz MELODY X All the Marantz benefits in one unit.

The M-CR 612 is designed for those spaces that require a lot of Marantz features all in one unit. A rich sound combined with a wide range of source options make it an excellent Marantz system.

Marantz presents the Melody X, a stylish hi-fi system that features a CD player, FM/DAB+ radio, network connectivity, voice control and multiroom capability thanks to built-in HEOS technology.

• Minimal Design and Size
• Supports CD & CD-R/RW
• Exclusive HDAM circuitry
• Built-in HEOS

All you need for the M-CR612 system is a pair of speakers. Its player plays CD and WMA / MP3 (CD-R /RW) discs, while the receiver has FM / AM. Network-wise the device supports TuneIn, Internet Radio, Spotify, Amazon Prime Music, TIDAL, Deezer and via smartphone AirPlay 2 and Bluetooth. Also Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and Apple Siri.

Supports WAV / FLAC / ALAC 192KHz/24-bit, DSD 2.8 / 5.6 MHz. It has built-in Bluetooth, dual-band Wi-Fi and two optical digital inputs.

The panel has an OLED display that shows numbers and text.

Marantz MELODY X

Marantz MM8077 -7


Marantz MM8077 -7

Marantz MM8077 -7The MM8077 is designed to deliver impressive power, exceptional home theater amplification, and pristine high-resolution sound reproduction.

Classic Design
7 Channels
150 Watts per Channel
Class A/B Amplifier
3 Year Warranty

MM8077 is built to deliver on its promise of high-performance power. It’s no-nonsense, yet elegant design ensures that every ounce of amplification is available whenever you require it.
The power supply features a high current toroidal power transformer along with high power (71WVDC) filter capacitors with a total 100,000µF capacitance to easily handle sharp short-term transient peaks.
The Marantz Sound Master meticulously tuned MM8077 for amazing performance with careful parts selection to create the Most Musical Sound in your home.
Featuring our unique current feedback discrete power amp output stages that are identical for all channels, the MM8077 is equipped with multiple high current discrete power transistors that feature high slew rate and wide operating bandwidth to extract the most detail from today’s high resolution audio formats.

Πολυκάναλος τελικός ενισχυτής Marantz MM8077 -7

Marantz MODEL 30

Επιλογή Αυτό το προϊόν έχει πολλαπλές παραλλαγές. Οι επιλογές μπορούν να επιλεγούν στη σελίδα του προϊόντος

Marantz MODEL 30

Marantz MODEL 30Get the most musical sound possible from this Sound Master tuned integrated amplifier. Its custom designed technology delivers exquisite detail and unforgettable musicality from any style of music.

Artisinal Design
2.2 Channels
100 Watts Per Channel
Custom HDAM
3 Year Warranty

A Masterpiece of Audio Architecture
Featuring a fully discrete, two stage design for minimal interference, and unique Marantz HDAM technology for signal purity, MODEL 30 offers exceptional sound quality.
You see and feel it in the build quality and you hear it every time. No matter your musical passions, your music always sounds better with MODEL 30.
Marantz HDAM-SA3 technology is comprised of dozens of independent parts, each hand-selected for pure, detailed Marantz sound.
The Marantz Sound Master meticulously tuned MODEL 30 for amazing performance with careful parts selection to create the Most Musical Sound in your home.
Thanks to their exemplary build quality and feature-rich design, Marantz amplifiers are engineered to provide years of enjoyment, for you, for those that follow.

Ολοκληρωμένος ενισχυτής Marantz MODEL 30

Marantz MODEL 40n

Επιλογή Αυτό το προϊόν έχει πολλαπλές παραλλαγές. Οι επιλογές μπορούν να επιλεγούν στη σελίδα του προϊόντος

Marantz MODEL 40n

Marantz MODEL 40nAward-winning and reliable

A complete, networked amplifier crafted with passion and exceptional attention to detail so that every element brings you closer to the music you love.

• Masterful Design
• 2.2 Channels
• 70 Watts per Channel
• Custom-designed HDAM

Marantz has redesigned the integrated amplifier for the digital age, while maintaining a luxurious analog feel and sound.

Multiroom streaming with HEOS built-in

Connect easily via Bluetooth, Apple AirPlay 2 or directly from the HEOS app to play all your favorite tracks from hundreds of streaming services.

The most musical sound from any source

A full range of analog and digital inputs plus built-in streaming and HDMI make listening enjoyable and easy, no matter the source

Stream millions of high-resolution songs

Stream from Spotify, Pandora, Tidal and more or enjoy your own playlists. Works with Alexa, Google and Siri.

Whole-home Hi-Fi sound

Create a multi-room music experience with the MODEL 40n as your home music hub.

HDMI input for AV connection

HDMI ARC input with HDMI control function adds unusual flexibility to this stereo amplifier, enabling TV sound through your stereo.

Marantz Musical Phono EQ

The pleasure of vinyl playback is both aural and tactile, but it requires highly specialized electronics for high performance. The Marantz Musical Phono EQ is built in so you can connect an analog turntable with a MM (moving magnet) cartridge directly to the MODEL 40n. You'll enjoy your favorite records and discover new ones, without the burden of additional electronics.

Marantz MODEL 40n

Marantz MODEL 50

Επιλογή Αυτό το προϊόν έχει πολλαπλές παραλλαγές. Οι επιλογές μπορούν να επιλεγούν στη σελίδα του προϊόντος

Marantz MODEL 50

Marantz MODEL 50MODEL 50 was designed and engineered to be thoroughly modern, yet timeless. Engineered with Marantz proprietary technologies, this integrated amplifier pushes the boundaries of audio equipment design to reveal the musicality in all your stereo source components.

Artisinal Design
2.2 Channels
70 Watts Per Channel
Custom HDAM

We designed MODEL 50 to be thoroughly modern, yet timeless. Hallmark aesthetic cues like symmetry, warmth, and tactile satisfaction push the boundaries of audio equipment design inspired by icons of our past.

With a precisely engineered Class A/B amplifier, MODEL 50 will drive your loudspeakers with authority yet reveal details you never knew existed.

The Marantz Sound Master meticulously tuned MODEL 50 for amazing performance with careful parts selection to create the Most Musical Sound in your home.

The built-in MM phono stage works with your turntable to amplify the nuance and tone in your records. Using a new circuit without distortion-inducing coupling capacitors.

MODEL 50’s stereo preamp outputs add valuable flexibility to your audio system setup. Connect a subwoofer, add channels to your home theater, or multiply listening zones—the possibilities are endless.

Marantz MODEL 50

Marantz NR1510 Slimline 5.2

Επιλογή Αυτό το προϊόν έχει πολλαπλές παραλλαγές. Οι επιλογές μπορούν να επιλεγούν στη σελίδα του προϊόντος

Marantz NR1510 Slimline 5.2

Marantz NR1510 Slimline 5.2All the sound you need in a slim design.

Packed with technology and performance, the NR1510 features Dolby Vision, Bluetooth headphone listening and a stunning slim-bezel design. With simple connections and a slim chassis, the NR1510 delivers great sound with incredible ease.

Slim Design
5.2 Channels
50 Watts per Channel
6 HDMI Inputs and eARC
4K & Dolby Audio
HEOS Built-in

Enjoy exceptional audio performance from the slim-profile Marantz NR1510 -5.2 Channel, 4K Ultra HD AV Receiver. It delivers exceptional surround sound and high-fidelity audio from a sleek, slim design. At half the height of a traditional AV receiver, the NR1510 delivers high-resolution surround sound from Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio. Stream music from popular online streams and use the NR1510 with voice assistance via Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and Apple Siri.

More lifelike images with Dolby Vision

Supports Dolby Vision for enhanced picture quality. From vibrant colors to darker shadows, enjoy a wider, more diverse color gamut and experience.

Connectivity, Streaming and Listening in Multiple Rooms

Stream the most popular music services — including Spotify, Amazon Prime Music HD, Tidal and more — via Bluetooth, AirPlay 2 or the HEOS App.

Design and Performance

The NR1510 was meticulously designed by Marantz’s Sound Master for stunning performance with meticulous selection of materials to create the most Musical Sound in your home!

Marantz NR1510 Slimline 5.2

Marantz PM-10 Reference

Επιλογή Αυτό το προϊόν έχει πολλαπλές παραλλαγές. Οι επιλογές μπορούν να επιλεγούν στη σελίδα του προϊόντος

Marantz PM-10 Reference

Marantz PM-10 ReferenceMarantz PM-10 Reference Integrated Stereo Amplifier with 200W and Custom HDAM

This reference stereo integrated amplifier is the product of expertise developed over decades of research, testing, and critical listening for the best possible reproduction of music.

Classic Design
2.2 Channels
200 Watts Per Channel
Custom HDAM
5 Year Warranty

Marantz PM-10 Reference

Marantz PM-12SE Special Edition

Επιλογή Αυτό το προϊόν έχει πολλαπλές παραλλαγές. Οι επιλογές μπορούν να επιλεγούν στη σελίδα του προϊόντος

Marantz PM-12SE Special Edition

Marantz PM-12SE Special EditionAudio Clarity Reimagined

Enjoy a complete two-stage amplifier design in a Special Edition with separate power supplies for the preamp and amplifier so you hear exceptional sound quality with rich signal clarity every time.

• Classic Design
• 2.2 Channels
• 200 Watts per channel
• Specially Designed HDAM

Masterfully Crafted

The team of Sound Masters located in Japan and Europe did not stop intensively working on the design and construction of this amplifier until they were absolutely sure that they had reached the level of quality worthy of the Marantz name.

Clear Sound

Designed to take advantage of the improvements, maintain the clearest possible sound and provide the power needed to drive the most demanding speakers.

Marantz HDAM Technology

The result is a much more dynamic, accurate and detailed sound. Over the years, Marantz has developed different HDAM technology to suit the specific requirements of players and amplifiers.

The PM-12SE amplifier uses the latest HDAM-SA3 technology, combined with an optimized circuit design and carefully selected components, to deliver nothing but exceptional sound quality and performance.

Marantz Musical Premium Phono EQ

Designed to deliver the best sound quality by simplifying the signal path, the advanced Marantz Phono EQ in the PM-12SE amplifier can be used with both MC and MM cartridges.

Marantz PM-12SE Special Edition

Marantz PM6007 Slimline

Επιλογή Αυτό το προϊόν έχει πολλαπλές παραλλαγές. Οι επιλογές μπορούν να επιλεγούν στη σελίδα του προϊόντος
Marantz PM6007 Slimline
The PM6007 integrated amplifier delivers a realistic listening experience and rich, full Marantz sound. With cutting-edge technologies, it is the choice for those ready to upgrade their two-channel Hi-Fi system.It features an upgraded, high-quality DAC, digital inputs and a newly updated built-in phono equalizer.

Slim Design
2.2 Channels
45 Watts per channel
Specially Designed HDAM
Your next step in Marantz high fidelity

It features an upgraded, high-quality AK4490 DAC, digital inputs and a newly updated and built-in phono.

Enjoy high-resolution audio files exactly as intended via the following gold-plated inputs: 5 analog inputs, one coaxial input and two optical digital inputs.

Integrated Amplifier

The amplifier's current feedback technology delivers a wide frequency range and high-speed audio reproduction. Combined with the high power handling, the PM6007 amplifier has a large power reserve to easily drive even the most demanding speakers. Advanced thermal management prevents signal distortion for clean amplification under any conditions.

Reference-Quality D/A Converter for Digital Input

The PM6007 amplifier features a new high-resolution D/A converter for a richer audio experience. It is equipped with a reference-class D/A converter, which provides resolution up to 192 kHz/24 bit for optimal fidelity with high-resolution music files.

High-Power Power Supply

The power supply supports fast-speed Schottky Barrier diodes and large-capacity capacitors fed by a toroidal transformer, and together provide a wide dynamic range and low-interference output driving.

Marantz PM6007 Slimline

Marantz PM7000N

Επιλογή Αυτό το προϊόν έχει πολλαπλές παραλλαγές. Οι επιλογές μπορούν να επιλεγούν στη σελίδα του προϊόντος

Marantz PM7000N

Marantz PM7000N Designed and extensively tuned by our team of engineers with decades of Hi-Fi expertise, the PM7000N amplifier delivers exceptional performance from any music source. Whether digital or analogue, enjoy the most musical sound from any source.

Sophisticated Design
2.2 Channels
60 Watts per channel
Specially designed HDAM
HEOS Built-in
Featuring premium audio components, current-feedback HDAM, a toroidal transformer and a high-speed instant power supply.

Stream music wirelessly or enjoy high-resolution digital audio files up to 24-bit and 192 kHz sampling.

Designed to suit your musical tastes

The ideal choice for music lovers who demand great Marantz sound with flexible features and plenty of music streaming.

A Modern Integrated Amplifier

The PM7000N is the first fully discrete, integrated Hi-Fi amplifier with built-in HEOS technology from Marantz. The amplifier delivers a powerful 2x60W into 8 ohms or 2 x 80W into 4 ohms (20Hz – 20kHz).

Wide range of connections

Four analog inputs, one analog output, one coaxial input, two optical digital inputs and one USB-A for high-resolution audio files.

Advanced Marantz sound

Wider dynamic range with lower distortion in the output stage from Marantz’s latest HDAM-FA3 modules.

Flexibility in all settings

Tone control to adjust the sound exactly how you want it and a dedicated subwoofer output for even bass distribution, without audible peaks and dips.

Marantz PM7000N