LUDIC Zeus Polarity Checker
LUDIC Zeus Polarity Checker

LUDIC Zeus Polarity Checker
Διαθέσιμο κατόπιν παραγγελίας
LUDIC Zeus Polarity Checker

LUDIC Zeus Polarity Checker
Το LUDIC Zeus είναι ένα εργαλείο που μας βοηθά να βρούμε την σωστή πολικότητα στα μηχανήματα μας. Είναι μια μοναδική συσκευή για την τελειοποίηση των ηχητικών εγκαταστάσεων. Λειτουργεί ως έλεγχος τάσης, φάσης και διακοπής καλωδίων για οικιακές συσκευές, ενισχύει τις ικανότητες επίλυσής του ελαχιστοποιώντας τα υπολειπόμενα ρεύματα γείωσης. Ένα από τα πιο σημαντικά και συχνά ξεχασμένα “κόλπα” για τη βελτίωση της αναπαραγωγής ενός AV ή ενός στερεοφωνικού συστήματος είναι ο έλεγχος και η σωστή εφαρμογή της πολικότητας του δικτύου, το ηχοσύστημά σας τροφοδοτείται από την τάση δικτύου και αυτό σημαίνει ότι υπάρχει αναπόφευκτο υπολειπόμενο βουητό. Αυτές οι υπολειπόμενες τάσεις είναι διαφορετικού μεγέθους (ή φάσης) και θα εξισορροπηθούν μέσω των ρευμάτων γείωσης που ρέουν μέσα από τις ασπίδες των καλωδίων διασύνδεσής σας. Αυτά τα ρεύματα γείωσης μοιράζονται τα επίπεδα μεγέθους των ρευμάτων σήματος ήχου που μεταφέρονται (micro Amperes). Γι’ αυτό παρεμβαίνουν και τα αποτελέσματα είναι μειωμένη διαφάνεια και απεικόνιση. Με τον ελεγκτή πολικότητας Ludic Zeus μπορείτε να ρυθμίσετε το ηχοσύστημά σας μειώνοντας δραματικά, ή ακόμα και εξαλείφοντας, αυτά τα υπολειπόμενα ρεύματα γείωσης και τα καλύτερα νέα είναι ότι οποιοσδήποτε audiophile μπορεί να το κάνει μόνος του πολύ εύκολα.
LUDIC Zeus Polarity Checker
Ludic Zeus polarity checker is a unique device for fine-tuning audio installations. It works as a voltage, phase and cable-interruption checker for domestic appliances, It enhances its resolving capabilities by minimizing its residual ground currents. One of the most important and often forgotten “tweaks” for improving the reproduction of an AV or stereo system is checking and correctly applying the mains polarity, your audio system is powered by the mains voltage and this means there’s an unavoidable residual hum present at all stages. These residual voltages are of different magnitude (or phase) and will balance out by means of ground currents flowing through the shields of your interconnecting cables. These ground currents share the magnitude levels of the audio signal currents being transferred (micro Amperes). That’s why they interfere and the results are reduced transparency and imaging.
With the Ludic Zeus polarity checker you can fine tune your audio system by dramatically reducing, or even eliminating, those residual ground currents, and the best news is, any audiophile can do this themselves quite easily.
All it takes is the Ludic Zeus pole-checker and some work.
Ludic Zeus pole-checker is an easy-to-use device that basically indicates the residual voltage on the sound equipment cabinet. This residual voltage is caused by the power supply, or rather, the power supply in combination with the grounding of the device.
We won’t go into the technical details, but assume that all sound equipment can benefit from being correctly connected to the mains.
How are we going to do that?
That’s quite easy with the Ludic Zeus pole-checker.
1: All equipment must be disconnected from the mains, and also from each other (that is very important, all interlinks but also speaker cables must be removed for a while).
2: Plug the first device into the wall socket, switch on the device, and touch the pole checker to one of the screws on the back of the cabinet, or one of the connection terminals for the interlinks.
Read what value the pole checker indicates.
Switch off the device, put the plug in the other way around, switch on the device again, and measure again. The lowest measured value indicates the correct connection.
It is useful if you determine in advance which connection of the socket the voltage is on.
3: Mark the “hot side” with a permanent marker, or with a small tip of nail polish. Do that right next to the hole, but do it carefully. Also on the plug of the appliance just checked should be marked which pin is to fill the “hot” side of the socket. This prevents the obligation to measure everything again in the future.
If all equipment is correctly connected to the mains in this way, the cables can be reconnected, and the result can be listened to and viewed. Also with televisions, an improvement can often be seen.
The LCD screen shows the values by touching the equipment-to-be-checked with the Ludic Zeus power polarity checker screwdriver blade.
– Ludic Zeus easures AC 12V to 230V and DC in 12, 36, 55, 110 and 220V. It can also indicate the presence of electrical stray fields.
– Very safe and also very sensitive: Its leakage current is less than 3µA.
– Ludic Zeus comes with carefully detailed instructions.
important note: Do not use with AC or DC voltages exceeding 250 Volts.
nstructions for use for the van Ludic Zeus Polarity checker voltage tester.
The Ludic Zeus polarity voltage tester is a unique device that is extremely useful in optimizing your audio installation with regard to the residual earth currents within it.
However, it also comes in handy when voltage, phase and cable interruption tester for all kinds of electrical appliances in and around the house:
● The tester works without a battery and is therefore always immediately ready for use!
● The LCD display on the tester indicates the electrical voltage difference between your body (=earth) and each
object touched with the screwdriver blade.
● The tester measures 12V to 230V, AC and DC voltage in display steps of 12, 36, 55, 110 and 220V, and can
also indicate the presence of electric fields.
● The tester is very sensitive and safe: the measuring leakage current is less than 3 microAmps.
● Caution: the tester cannot be used with equipment in which AC or DC voltages greater than 250 Volt
● The Ludic Zeus tester can be measured in two ways:
1. Direct Test = Voltage Measurement:
When the ‘Direct Test’ button is touched while the screwdriver blade is against any item to be measured
object is pressed, the highest number shown on the display indicates the electrical voltage present there
voltage on. A more precise estimate can be obtained by setting the brightness of this highest number in
to be taken into account. It may be helpful to view the display from a different angle.
2. Inductance / Break-point Test = Sensing Electric Fields:
Press the ‘Inductance / Break-point Test’ button and hold the screwdriver blade near the object to be tested, this
not necessarily touching. With this method of measurement, the brightness of the ‘lightning bolt-shaped’
symbol on the display screen indicates the strength of electric fields generated by electrical equipment and wiring
are radiated. This method of measurement is useful in locating live wiring,
interruptions therein and static electricity.
The optimization of your audio installation using the Ludic Zeus voltage polarity tester:
In order to be able to carry out the optimization procedure correctly and without any problems , it is very important for you ,that you first become fully acquainted with points 1 to 4 below and the following Tips.
The optimization procedure:
1. First of all, each individual device in your audio installation must be completely electrically isolated from its environment to be made.
To do this, disconnect all connections (the audio connecting cables and even speaker cables and radio/ TV connections) between and with the equipment in your installation and remove all appropriate mains plugs from the sockets.
Also make sure that there are no other electrical current paths between your equipment or left to earth; this, for example, via metal housings that make direct contact with each other or along metal supports. For the sake of completeness, all volume controls should also be turned off.
2. Now find and mark the phase (= voltage-carrying pole) of all sockets that you use for your installation with the voltage tester, using its ‘Direct Test’ button.
3. Now perform steps A to C successively for each individual device to be optimized that is part of your audio installation.
Note: When testing each individual device, all others in your installation should be unplugged to be drawn!
A. Plug in the device, turn it on and use the tester’s ‘Direct Test’ button to check the measure residual AC voltage present at the local audio ground; printed this with the screwdriver blade
against the outer metal contact ring (=audio ground) of any (Tulip/Cinch) line level input or -Exit.
B. Switch off the appliance, insert its mains plug in reversed position (rotated 180 degrees) into the socket, switch the device back on and measure the residual AC voltage again as described in point A.
C. The mains plug position at which the lowest AC residual voltage is measured (optimum position) also yields automatically the lowest residual ground current for the device.
Turn off the device, and now mark the side of the mains plug that was connected in the optimum position to the phase (already marked at point 2) of the Wall outlet.
By thus marking both the mains plugs and the sockets, the optimum mains plug position can be easily found again.
Disconnect the mains plug of the optimized device from the wall outlet and continue at point A with the next device until all your audio equipment has been optimized.
4. After completion of point 3, all connections can be re-established, taking care that the power cords as far as possible from the audio interconnect cables, speaker cables, and enclosures of
the audio equipment are kept; This is to ensure that the stray fields from the powercords have a exert minimal influence.
The residual ground currents are now minimized and your audio installation will sound as a result purer.
Interferences from the mains (such as switching clicks, etc.) will also be more difficult to reach if the audio signal can penetrate.
Some tips:
In some countries, mains plugs equipped with a grounding pole cannot be plugged into the wall socket the other way around stabbed.
Electrical equipment fitted with a mains plug fitted with an earth connection MUST be powered from a grounded outlet.
It is not necessary to use such devices. the tester optimizes; there is no residual AC voltage and the tester does not indicate anything.
In order to obtain the most accurate and objective reading of the residual AC voltage present on a device,
getting the following is important.
-Only touch the device to be measured with the tester. Do not touch other electrical equipment with your body on.
-Route the power cord of each device under test as straight away from it as possible; this is because of the influence of the electrical stray field from the mains cable on the residual AC voltage of the device to a minimum.
-To get a more accurate estimate of the AC residual voltage, it is helpful to adjust the brightness of the highest
number indicated on the tester’s display. It may be useful to display from a different angle.
(When comparing residual alternating voltages at different mains plug positions, it is more accurate to always use the same reading angle).
-When, despite taking into account the above tips, there is no difference in residual AC voltage between the two mains plug positions, the following additional measures can be taken:
-Remove or at least pull the device away from other electrical appliances and cables from the mains.
– Improve the electrical grounding of your body by either the central heating, a water tap, the ground of the mains (or even a wall or the ground) with your other hand.
However, this is rarely necessary.
– When a voltage reading cannot be obtained on the tester, the device will operate in some way grounded.
If this is due to connection to a grounded outlet, it is not necessary to optimize because its residual earth currents are discharged to earth in any case.
However, if the device is not outlet grounded, verify that no other electrical current path to ground exists,
(e.g. throughmetal housings in direct contact with each other or along metal supports) and interrupt this path.
-With some devices, the indicated residual AC voltage in both positions of the mains plug is greater than or equal to 110 Volts.
Directly touching such devices can be dangerous (risk of electric shock) because there is a high ‘leakage’ from the mains.
The device is highly probably equipped with a grounding plug and you should ONLY plug it into grounded outlets.
However, if the appliance does not have a grounding plug, it may be useful to make an electrical connection from the box screws, preferably to the protective earth of the mains,
or else to the central heating or a water tap.
Always remove the mains plug from the socket first!
Note: If more than one audio device in your installation is connected to ground, there is a risk of introducing so-called ground loops.
A short word about the residual earth currents present in your audio installation:
Because most equipment in your audio installation is powered from the mains, there is generally aThe resulting AC residual voltage (hum and noise) is transferred to all housings and audio grounds.
On allaudio devices, these residual AC voltages are different in strength (and/or phase) and they will level by means of ground currents flowing through the shields of your audio interconnect cables.
These so-called residual earth currents are generally of the same order of magnitude (microAmps) as the audio signal currents flowing at line level over the same cables
are transferred.
As a result, their interference affecting, among other things, the detail and the openness of the sound image are affected by common unbalanced cables almost always present.
With the Ludic Zeus voltage polarity tester it is easy to optimize your audio installation in such a way that its residual earth currents are eliminated or
at the very least, which audibly improves the performance of your audio system.
Ludic audio disclaims all liability for damage of any kind caused by the use of the voltage tester or by activities described in this manual.
Always think carefully and be very careful when working near high voltages!
Always use the tester first to check if any dangerous voltages are present.
Ludic wishes you happy listening!
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