
Διαθέσιμο κατόπιν παραγγελίας
Κωδικός προϊόντος:
Κατηγορίες: ΚΕΦΑΛΕΣ, Moving coil
Ετικέτες: hi end κεφαλές κινητού πηνίου, low output cartridges, mc cartridges, moving coil cartridges, ZYX, κεφαλές mc, κεφαλές κινητού πηνίου, κεφαλές χαμηλής εξόδου

- Με απλά λόγια, μια κεφαλή κινούμενου πηνίου χαμηλής εξόδου, μπορεί να περιγραφεί ως ένα είδος μετατροπέα (μια συσκευή που μετατρέπει την ενέργεια από μια μορφή σε μια άλλη). Επάγει ρεύμα, ανάλογο με την ταχύτητα δόνησης στο πηνίο. Αυτό το πηνίο είναι διατεταγμένο σε κάθετη κατεύθυνση (στις 90 μοίρες) στη γραμμή του μαγνητικού πεδίου και από τις μηχανικές κινήσεις που παράγονται από τη βελόνα που ακολουθεί τις αυλακώσεις του δίσκου παράγεται ενέργεια. Αυτή δημιουργεί και μεταδίδει ένα ηχητικό σήμα. Έτσι η κεφαλή κινητού πηνίου μπορεί να ονομαστεί μετατροπέας.
- Εμείς στη ZYX έχουμε σχεδιάσει πολλές κεφαλές στην ιστορία μας. Ωστόσο, ο σχεδιασμός Ultimate DYNAMIC είναι το πρώτο μοντέλο που ενσωματώνει ένα μαγνητικό κύκλωμα που είναι πολύ διαφορετικό από τα προηγούμενα μοντέλα.
Καθώς η μπομπίνα του πηνίου είναι ένα μη μαγνητικό υλικό, η έξοδος σήματος είναι μόνο το 1/6 του απαιτούμενου επιπέδου. Για το λόγο αυτό πρέπει να χρησιμοποιήσουμε μεγαλύτερο μαγνήτη και να έχουμε τρεις φορές περισσότερες περιελίξεις στο πηνίο ώστε να πάρουμε το σωστό επίπεδο σήματος. Ο λόγος για τον σχεδιασμό του μοντέλου Ultimate DYNAMIC είναι ότι η μπομπίνα μη μαγνητικού πηνίου είναι παρόμοια με αυτή της κεφαλής κοπής σε μια μηχανή κοπής δίσκων.
Αυτός ο πρόβολος/cantilever είναι φυσικά ένας πρόβολος άνθρακα C-1000 κατασκευασμένος από 1000 τεμάχια σύνθετων ινών άνθρακα και η μη μαγνητική μπομπίνα είναι επίσης κατασκευασμένη από μια άκαμπτη και ελαφριά πλάκα από σύνθετα ανθρακονήματα. - Όταν ακούτε μια ZYX ULTIMATE EX DYNAMIC, θα δυσκολευτείτε να περιγράψετε την εξαιρετική ποιότητα ήχου της.
- ZYX ULTIMATE EX DYNAMIC Composite Carbon Terminal Board
- Αυτή η – πρώτη στον κόσμο σκληρή πλακέτα ακροδεκτών – έχει χρησιμοποιηθεί ως πλακέτα ακροδεκτών για να κλειδώνει τους ακροδέκτες εξόδου και να συγκρατεί στατικά τη μονάδα έναντι κάθε είδους ξένων κραδασμών.
Επιπλέον, αυτή η πλακέτα ακροδεκτών μπορεί να γειωθεί στον ενισχυτή phono-stage μέσω της γραμμής γείωσης της εξόδου του δεξιού καναλιού. Πρέπει να ακούσετε τον πιο καθαρό ήχο με την εξάλειψη της χωρητικότητας μεταξύ 4 ακροδεκτών - ZYX ULTIMATE EX DYNAMIC
- The new ‘Ultimate Exceed’ range of moving coil cartridges from ZYX
Put simply, a moving coil type cartridge can be described as a kind of transducer (a device that converts energy from one form to another).
It induces a current, proportional to the vibration speed in the coil. This is arranged in the direction perpendicular (set off at 90 degrees) to the magnetic field line, by the mechanical movements created by the stylus tip tracking the grooves of the record. This creates and transmits a sound signal. It can be called a converter.
To enable faithful, high quality reproduction, it is critically important that the magnetic flux density in the magnetic field (where the coil is located) is uniform.
In the case of moving coil cartridges, which are currently in widespread use, the bobbin is made from material which has a high magnetic permeability and good high frequency characteristics. This means that the bobbin is highly sensitive and reactive to the applied magnetic field. As a result, this type of bobbin gives a signal six times higher than that obtained from a non-magnetic bobbin. Therefore the number of coil turns can be reduced and the overall mass of the vibration system is lowered, allowing wideband reproduction.
We should note that, by using a magnetic bobbin, the magnetic field and magnetic flux density, which should be uniform, may be disturbed by the bobbin vibrations. This is because the two coils used for stereo reproduction are generating left and right channel signals in a disturbed magnetic field. As the left and right channel coils are arranged so that the windings are off-set by 45 degrees from the vertical axis, the ground terminal positions of these coils are located at different points, separated by the coil length. Resulting from this condition, the left and right audio signals are generated in two different disturbed magnetic fields.
In order to eliminate this phenomenon, it is necessary to set both left and right ground terminals within the same magnetic field. As a result, the left and right coils will generate electricity in the same magnetic field, even when that magnetic field is disturbed.
ZYX are the first cartridge manufacturer to develop and implement this unique, ‘one-point ground terminal, dual output system’ and are therefore able to completely solve this problem.
This new system has been implemented in all of the new Ultimate Exceed models.
Now, with these new models, we can instantly and clearly hear the benefits of the homogenous sound reproduction of left and right channels that have been generated in the same magnetic field. We have natural and sensual sound and a truly glorious analogue reproduction. And the achievement of a true emotional, analogue sound that we have been striving for. Striking, intense transients, sharp focus and localization, we can even ‘feel’ the skin of a large drum resonating as if it were a live performance. The Ultimate Exceed models get us even closer to the real, live musical event. - Dynamic Cartridge
We at ZYX have designed many cartridges in our history. However, the Ultimate DYNAMIC design is the first model which incorporates a magnetic circuit that is very different from previous models.
As the coil bobbin is a non magnetic material, the signal output is only 1/6 of the required level. For this reason we have to use bigger magnet and have three times more windings on the coil in order to obtain the correct level of signal.
The reason for designing the Ultimate DYNAMIC model is that the non magnetic coil bobbin is similar to that of the cutter head on a record cutting machine.
This cantilever is of course a C-1000 carbon cantilever and the non magnetic bobbin is also made of a rigid and light composite carbon fiber plate. - When listening to the Ultimate DYNAMIC models, you will be lost for words to describe the superb sound quality.
- Composite Carbon Terminal Board
This world-first hard terminal board has been employed as the terminal board to lock up output terminal pins and statically holds the unit against any sorts of extraneous vibrations.
And besides this terminal board can be grounded to the phono-stage amplifirer through the ground line of right channel output.
You must listen the purest sound by eliminated capacitance between 4 terminal pins. - World First C-1000 Carbon Cantilever in Moving Coil Cartridge
The ZYX Ultimate series (100, Airy, 4D, OMEGA and DYNAMIC) use a carbon cantilever for the very first time in a moving coil cartridge. The carbon rod is made from 1000 pieces of composite carbon fiber, hence the name C-1000 carbon cantilever.
This composite carbon fiber is more rigid than aluminum, iron and titanium. In addition, its specific gravity is just half that of boron. Therefore we can be sure that the C-1000 carbon cantilever is the ultimate and ideal cantilever material for analogue record playback.
The carbon cantilever gives us the widest frequency range and a superior tracking performance. A further major benefit is that the mechanical sound signal picked up at the stylus can travel through to the coil in a straight and direct fashion by way of the 1000 pieces of mechanical carbon lines. This ensures that reflected, repeated or modulated mechanical sound signals are completely absent. The overall result is that you will enjoy the finest, most natural, most dynamic and true to source sound that you have ever experienced. - Cartridge Case For REAL STEREO
Item 11,12 and 13 of the vital design points make very complex demand of the body’s electrical properties. Non metallic body which has two kinds of hard material is necessary in order to achieve these properties, and to prevent external disturbances from influencing the generator system and also it prevents eddy currents in the case from effecting the generator output signal and the resonance occuring on the body surfaces. - Super High speed reproduction engine
This circuit is specially processed to null magnetic resistance within magnetic gap, and enables high speed power generation against signals over entire bandwidth straightly without time delay. And besides this circuit can perfectly eliminate any eddy currents remaining at once. - Micro-Ridge Stylus
The stylus used Ultimate series has the edges of the diamond shank set parallel to the sides of the cantilever. Using this type of stylus, the hardest axis of the crystal is aligned to act as the contact point with the record groove. This gives stable and smooth tracing and produces a very refined sound, with the additional benefit of giving the stylus an extended life time 2000 hours.
The stylus is of the Micro-ridge type, which was originally developed in Japan and offers the highest performance. The contact radius is always 3μm by the ridge made with 6μm thickness. - Pure 6N OFC Crystal Copper Wire Generator Coils
This perfect crystal copper wire produced by special process, in order to achive an even sound balance across the entire audible range. - ZYX ULTIMATE EX DYNAMIC SPECIFICATIONS
- Type Moving Coil (Dynamic)
“REAL STEREO” Generator System
Cryogenic Treatment Temperature: -196 ℃ (-320оF)
Coil Wire X:6N OFC Crystal Copperφ0.035mm
Output Voltage 0.15mV (3.54cm/sec, 1kHz)
Frequency Response
±1dB 10 Hz – 100 kHz
20 Hz – 20 kHz
Channel Separation > 30dB 〔 1kHz 〕
Channel Balance < 0.5dB 〔 1kHz 〕
Recommended Tracking Force 2.0gm 〔 20 ゜C-25 ゜C 〕
Tracking Force Range 1.7gm – 2.5gm
Trackability >60μm /2.0gm
EQ Compliance horizontal vertical
Internal Impedance 12 Ω
Load Impedance > 100Ω
Cantilever Material C-1000 Composite Carbon φ0.30mm
Stylus Micro-Ridge Solid Diamond□0.1mm
Contact Radius, Life Time 3μm×60μm, 2000Hour/2.0gm
Output Terminals φ1.25mm K18 Solid Gold 〔EIA〕
Terminal Board Composite Carbon Plate
Dimensions 16.8mm(W)×19.0mm(L)×16.5mm(H)
Net Weight 6.8gm(TB2 pre-mounted), 8.0gm(SB2)
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Τρόποι Αποστολής / Παραλαβής

- Η παράδοση των προϊόντων μετά τη συλλογή τους από την Nexus Acoustics, πραγματοποιείται σε διάστημα 1-3 εργάσιμων ημερών.
- Παραλαβή από την έδρα μας κατόπιν επικοινωνίας.
- Αποστολή με Courier με επιπλέον χρέωση για παραγγελίες έως 100€ & έως 2,00 kg. και δωρεάν για την Ελλάδα σε μεγαλύτερα ποσά και μικρού όγκου δέματα (έως 2,00 kg)
- Οι αποστολές για δυσπρόσιτες περιοχές γίνονται στο πλησιέστερο Γραφείο της συνεργαζόμενης Courier.
- Για ογκώδη αντικείμενα (Ηχεία, Ενισχυτές κλπ) η αποστολή γίνεται με Μεταφορική Εταιρεία κατόπιν συνεννόησης και ανάλογα τον προορισμό.
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