MoonRiver Audio Model-404 Reference
MoonRiver Audio Model-404 Reference

MoonRiver Audio Model-404 Reference
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MoonRiver Audio Model-404 Reference

MoonRiver Audio Model-404 Reference
Ο MoonRiver Audio Model-404 Reference ειναι τηλεχειριζομενος δικαναλος ενισχυτης (σε διαταξη Dual Mono), ισχυος 2x50wrms at 8 ohms. Δεχεται modules: Phono Stage MM/MC και Coaxial DAC ή USB DAC. Εισοδοι 5x Line(ή 4x Line, 1x extra Phono), 1x Tape Loop (1x In, 1x Out), 1x USB (for extra dac board. Εξοδοι: 2x pairs Pre Out, 1x pair Speakers. Made in Sweden.
Κάρτα Phono MM 530€. Κάρτα Phono MM/MC 660€. Κάρτα Coaxial DAC 600€. Κάρτα USB DAC 900€.
MoonRiver Audio Model-404 Reference
Power Supply
The power supply section has been improved to the maximum. The 404 standard uses a total of 57000uf capacitance. The 404 Reference lifts the capacitance to a spectacular 107000uf of which 21000 of them are reserved for the preamp only. This enormous increment expands the driving behaviour; the dynamic character; digs out more detail; low level information; a deeper and more articulate soundtstage; space between instruments is vast, while the bass has greater authority and is more confident than ever before.
Preamplifier section
The texture of each individual instrument is exposed exponentially in comparison with the Standard version. A fully discrete preamp section serves to provide acute dynamic awareness, while a high output stage that is custom-optimised for bandwidth and distortion, gives neutral character and transient fidelity. A sophisticated selection of components fuses the design against tonal traits, therefore preserving naturalness throughout the shortest feasible signal path.
Furthermore, an integrated phono stage, USB DAC, (two) preamp outputs and a tape monitor loop expand functionality to form an ideally flexible integrated amplifier.
Design & Ergonomics
We had a very clear vision when we conceived the Moonriver 404 amplifier: Classic design with a modern touch; high quality materials such as massive aluminum knobs, solid walnut cheeks, sturdy enclosure; ergonomic user interface. There are no “for show” aesthetics here, no display with complicated serial menus and hidden functions, nor a single multi-function knob for “minimalistic” purposes.
The heart of Model 404 Reference is pure and minimal but the interface is user oriented and easy to operate by anyone in seconds with no need to resort to the user manual. Four knobs and three switches give direct access to any function.
Modular Architecture
Moonriver 404 Reference amplifier is modular by nature; it can accommodate an MM or MM/MC phono stage and a USB asynchronous DAC. Fitting these modules is simple and can take place at any time, on or after purchase. The USB DAC may also be upgraded with a newer version to meet future needs.
Discovering the layout
Model 404 Reference, like the standard model, incorporates no less than 5 separate power supplies, each featuring overload protection. The power amplifier specifically runs on a dual mono configuration, beginning from separate windings on the toroidal transformer.
WBT nextgenTM speaker terminals ensure the massive flow of current from the amplifier’s output stage, is able to drive even “difficult to drive” speakers. Signal switches are implemented via relays, while volume attenuation is trusted on the legendary blue ALPS pot. A soft start circuit based on a 30A relay ensures that even the on/off switch is thought out to work with virtually no burden or wear for decades.
The 404 Reference chassis reduces unwanted resonant vibrations even further with absorbent materials, and better integral mechanical support. Components are carefully selected for both suitability and reliability. We make no use of surface-mount in analog circuits, despite the fact that through-hole production costs more, and requires advanced space management & layout strategies. Each element utilised has to be of proven stability and sustained higher performance – proficient implementation provided, before making it into our analog paths.
As for the sound, we are not to say whether Model 404 Reference is virtually transparent or inherently forgiving. Voicing it to appreciate the playlist and respect the user at all times has been the sum of all of our effort; a sincere effort to achieve effortlessness.
The Importance of Tape Monitor Loop
Probably most of today’s manufacturers reject the idea of their product featuring a tape loop. At Moonriver Audio, we have concluded that the tape monitor loop is essential. Not only does it add the option of monitoring the difference between recorded and source material at a real time. It also, and most importantly, makes possible to insert to the chain -at will- a digital or analog room correction processor, a buffer, a noise reduction system or any other line device available to improve the sound of connected sources.
Optional Phono Stage
Model 404 Reference comes with two options in the phono stage department; one is MM only and the other is MM/MC selectable. Both follow the exact quality principles that Model 404 Reference is built on. Quality components and massive power supplies are also employed here, to efficiently accommodate very low noise, high performance op-amps. The gain in the MM/MC phono can be adjusted, simply by changing the dip switches position. The MC input load can be set also, by replacing the original 100 Ohm input resistor with a higher or lower value. No soldering is required.
Optional USB DAC
What was desired for our USB DAC module was not to make an addition rather than an omission; instead we had to be confident of substantially raising the true value and functionality of Model 404 Reference. A new USB DAC is under development for the Moonriver 404 Standard and Reference.
MoonRiver Audio Model-404 Reference Specifications
Inputs: 5 (line 1 and 4 optionally occupied by phono stage and USB DAC respectively, 1 x tape loop)
Outputs: 2 x preamp out, 1 x rec out
Max output power: 50 W / channel into 8 Ω
Frequency response: 10 Hz to 50 kHz
Total harmonic distortion: 0.05%
Signal to noise ratio: 85 dB (line)
Idle Consumption: 22 Watts
Dimensions (mm): 430 (W) x 390 (D) x 135 (H)
Weight: 13 kg
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- Αποστολή με Courier με επιπλέον χρέωση για παραγγελίες έως 100€ & έως 2,00 kg. και δωρεάν για την Ελλάδα σε μεγαλύτερα ποσά και μικρού όγκου δέματα (έως 2,00 kg)
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Σχετικά προϊόντα
MAGNETOSOLID AMPLIFIERS = Τransistor υλοποιημένα σε σχέδιο λυχνιών Ήχος σαν Single-Ended DHT Triode αλλά με άφθονη δύναμη & χωρίς τα μειονεκτήματα των λυχνιών. Διθυραμβικές κριτικές στον διεθνή τύπο. Σε μια κατηγορία από μόνος του. Μεγαλύτερο damping factor, μεγαλύτερη ζώνη συχνοτήτων, μηδενική ανάδραση. Αξεπέραστη ποιότητα πραγματικά φυσικού ήχου με τρισδιάστατη παρουσία. Με 2 χ 37 Watt RMS σε πληρη Ταξη Α` που ακούγονται σαν 200 Watt !! Οδηγεί άνετα ηχεία 85 db / 4 Ω ! Μοναδική απόδοση με τα ηχεία της GRANDINOTE.

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Ολοκληρωμένος ενισχυτής από την MELODY εξαιρετικής σχεδίασης και ποιότητας κατασκευής. Με 4 χ KT-88 σε τάξη ΑΒ1 αποδίδει 2 χ 50 Watt Ultralinear με μοναδική ποιότητα ήχου Με οδήγηση 2x6SN7 και σταθεροποιημένη τάση τροφοδοσίας από την μοναδική 101D λυχνία Με κορυφαίους μετασχηματιστές έξοδου II C-CORE μεγάλου μεγέθους, κατασκευή hard wired & πυκνωτές έλαιου JENSEN. O Ήχος του είναι ακριβής, φυσικός, με άριστες χροιες και αρμονικές. Η εικόνα είναι τρισδιάστατη και τα μπάσα πλαστικά με άριστη απόσβεση. Τα φωνητικά είναι απολαυστικά με σωστή διαφάνεια και Timing. Το σώμα από τα μπάσα έως τα πρίμα είναι συμπαγές και η ροή της μουσικής με τον αέρα των ηχογραφήσεων εντυπωσιάζουν. Για έμπειρους μουσικόφιλους που αναζητάνε την ακρίβεια στην αναπαραγωγή και την πιστότητα στις χροιές. Oδηγεί άνετα πολλά ηχεία από 86 db/W/m 4~6Ω και πάνω Δέχεται και λυχνίες ΚΤ-120 με αύξηση ισχύος σε 2x60 Watt με μια διαφορετική ποιότητα ήχου & καλύτερη οδήγηση. Με εύκολη ρύθμιση bias εξωτερικά.
NEXUS ACOUSTICS 845 Direct Heat class A - Single Ended Amplifier Ενισχυτής με τις τρίοδους λυχνίες 845 Direct Heat σε καθαρή τάξη Α με 28 Watt ανά κανάλι. Υλοποίηση υπερυψηλής ποιότητας με τα απολύτως καλύτερα υλικά στο χώρο του hi end.
NEXUS ACOUSTICS 845 SINGLE - ENDED AMPLIFIER H μοναδική Direct Heat λυχνία 845 σε Single-Ended Ταξη Α` αποδίδει άνετα 2x28 Watt με κορυφαία σώματα και παλμό Οδηγεί άνετα μεγάλα ηλεκτροδυναμικά ηχεία με woofer 15`` όπως κανένας Push-Pull ενισχυτής δεν μπορεί.
Rega brio
Rega brio
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Δεν υπάρχει καμία αξιολόγηση ακόμη.