Pro-Ject Audio X 1
Pro-Ject Audio X 1

Pro-Ject Audio X 1
Pro-Ject Audio X 1

Pro-Ject Audio X 1
Η Pro-Ject παρουσίαζει το πικάπ Pro-Ject Audio X 1
Το 1991, η Pro-Ject κυκλοφόρησε το Pro-Ject 1 Turntable, μια επανάσταση στον κόσμο του HiFi. Η επιτυχία αυτού του εξαιρετικά προσιτού πικάπ υψηλής ποιότητας – ειδικά στην ακμή της εποχής του CD – βασίστηκε στις ακόλουθες πτυχές:
– Απλός αλλά τεχνικά σωστός σχεδιασμός,
– Υλικά υψηλής ποιότητας,
– Πλήρως χειροποίητα στην ΕΕ, έμπειροι τεχνικοί
Το Pro-Ject 1 δεν είχε περιττά, ασυνήθιστα χαρακτηριστικά και ήταν ένα καθαρά χειροκίνητο πικάπ. Αυτές οι επιλογές έκαναν το Pro-Ject 1 ένα πικάπ με φανταστικό ήχο σε απίστευτα καλή τιμή. Το X1 βασίζεται στην ίδια ιδέα με το Pro-Ject 1, αλλά έχει βελτιωθεί από σύγχρονα υλικά και διαδικασίες παραγωγής από κάθε άποψη.
Pro-Ject Audio X 1
Real high-end features – Authentic audiophile sound – Attractive price
Introduced Pro-Ject’s classic turntable design and raised in new price / performance tips
In 1991, Pro-Ject released the Pro-Ject 1 Turntable, a revolution in the HiFi world. The success of this extremely affordable high-end turntable – especially in the heyday of the CD era – was based on the following aspects:
– Simple but technically correct design,
– High quality, high quality materials
– Completely handmade in the EU, experienced technicians
The Pro-Ject 1 had no unnecessary, unusual features and was a purely manual turntable. These choices made the Pro-Ject 1 a turntable with a fantastic sound at an unbelievably good price. The X1 is based on the same concept as the Pro-Ject 1, but it has been improved by modern materials and production processes in every aspect.
Enhanced Case:
Heavier, more solid, lower-resonance, new MDF material
Platter : Resonance-free, heavier acrylic platter
Improved engine
decoupling : New engine hanger decouples tonearm and chassis more effectively from engine vibrations
Improved tone arm:
Extremely rigid, perfectly damped, carbon / aluminum sandwich construction
Improved Counterweight:
New anti-resonance counterweight with TPE dampers reduces toothless tonearm resonances
Motor Control and Electronic Speed Switching: A sophisticated DC / AC generator board provides the motor with clean and stable power
Improved feet: Height-
adjustable, decoupling Alu / TPE sandwich feet
Enhanced Pickup:
Premium Ortofon Pro-Ject Finished MM pickup system Pick it S2 MM
Better audiophile features:
Aluminum tone arm base with azimuth and VTA setting
One-piece manufactured Tonarmrohr without vibration triggering detachable headshell
Better cable:
The Lierfumfang is an excellent shielded, quasi-symmetrical, low-capacitive phono cable, which were designed by Pro-Ject especially for the connection of turntables included. This cable is essential to be able to transport the fragile signal of the pickup to a phono preamplifier.
This design is carefully tailored to receive the most important features at the best price. It’s based on Pro-Check’s years of experience building the best-sounding turntables without breaking the budget.
MDF is about 2-3 times more expensive than conventional chipboard, not to mention plastic housings. However, MDF chassis sound better and also feel more valuable.
The exclusive 8-coat finish with hand-polished surface is 3-4 times as expensive as simple foil stickers. The electronic speed control is another cost factor, but provides many times better values than conventional, directly powered AC motors. For even more performance, the engine is decoupled from the chassis with a new engine mount.
In the X1, the engine drives a heavy, non-resonant acrylic plate via a subtable and a high quality bearing to create a stably rotating platter.
The carbon / aluminum sandwich tonearm is far superior to other tonearm designs. This 8.6 “long arm is extremely light, stiff and fast, allowing for ideal tracking behavior. Also important is the non-removable headshell, which is integrated here from a cast in the rest of the tonearm. More elaborate in production, but sounds much better than vibration-inducing removable headshells. TPE dampers in the counterweight of the tonearm further increase the cost.
Azimuth and VTA settings are rare features and much more expensive than preset tonearms. However, these adjustments provide tremendous flexibility that is desired by so many in this price range and below.
In addition, the choice of the pickup makes a huge difference in sound and is also reflected in the price!
The X1 comes either with or without the all-new Pro-Ject Pick it S2 MM pickup, which was manufactured by the Ortofon experts and fine-tuned by the Pro-Ject design team.
The supplied Connect it E cable has been specially designed for the connection of turntables and phono preamps. Unfortunately, cheap RCA cables are often not good enough to transport the fragile signals of the pickup properly!
The height-adjustable aluminum / TPE sandwich feet are an exclusive and at the same time necessary feature to set up the turntable and decouple it from the ground.
The X1 has all the high-end features of a modern turntable to convey the utmost joy in listening to music. It is exactly this pleasure that we want to enable our customers and music lovers. And that can also be implemented with attractive prices. The X1 conveys a clear statement and is thus the counterpart to turntables that contain numerous features but save massively in sound quality. But all these features only last a very short time. And what good are you if you can not really enjoy the 20 minutes of a record because of the bad sound? The benefit of these features will last a second at most, while the sound of the turntable will last an incredible amount of seconds.
At Pro-Ject, we think that audio performance and high sound quality is what our customers are looking for, as it was in 1991.
The X1 is available in 3 different colors; a premium walnut veneer and a luxurious black or white 8-fold high-gloss finish.
Available in:
Pro-Ject Audio X 1 features
Motor control electronics with electronic speed change guarantee ultimate synchronization stability
Cleverly decoupled engine reduces vibrations and rumble noises
Subteller with extremely low tolerance 0.001mm bearings
Stainless steel platter with brass bushes and Teflon bearing mirror guarantee minimal rumble and a stable power transmission
Resonance free 1.5kg acrylic plate
8.6 “carbon / aluminum sandwich tonearm with optimal internal damping and TPE dampened counterweight
Cardanic, extremely low friction, 4 point tonearm bearing
Ortofon Pick it S2 MM Pickup – newly developed in cooperation with Ortofon – delivers dynamic and full sound
Solid and heavy, high precision CNC machined MDF chassis
Exclusive 8-coat finish with hand-polished surface or real wood veneer with waxed satin surface
Excellently shielded, semi-balanced, low-capacitance phono cables – specially developed by Pro-Ject
Specially decoupled, height-adjustable record player feet reduce the risk of structure-borne noise considerably
Handmade in Europe
Technical specifications
speeds 33, 45, 78 (electronic speed change)
principle belt drive
speed deviation 33: 0.30% 45: 0.25%
Flutter 33: 0.15% 45: 0.13%
turntable 20mm thick, 1.5kg acrylic plate
Turntable bearings Stainless steel (axle) / brass (bushing)
tonearm 8.6 “carbon / aluminum sandwich
Effective arm length 218,5mm
overhang 18mm
Effective tonearm mass 10.0 g
Tracking force range 0 – 30mN
Included accessories 15Volt DC / 0.8A power supply, dust cover, Connect it E phono cable, felt mat
input 5.0 watts max / <0.3 watts standby
Dimensions 415 x 125 x 335 mm (WxHxD)
Weight 7 kg net / 9.5 kg gross
Επιπλέον πληροφορίες
Brand |
Color |
Black ,light oak ,white |
Μόνο συνδεδεμένοι πελάτες που έχουν αγοράσει αυτό το προϊόν μπορούν να αφήσουν μία αξιολόγηση.

- Η παράδοση των προϊόντων μετά τη συλλογή τους από την Nexus Acoustics, πραγματοποιείται σε διάστημα 1-3 εργάσιμων ημερών.
- Παραλαβή από την έδρα μας κατόπιν επικοινωνίας.
- Αποστολή με Courier με επιπλέον χρέωση για παραγγελίες έως 100€ & έως 2,00 kg. και δωρεάν για την Ελλάδα σε μεγαλύτερα ποσά και μικρού όγκου δέματα (έως 2,00 kg)
- Οι αποστολές για δυσπρόσιτες περιοχές γίνονται στο πλησιέστερο Γραφείο της συνεργαζόμενης Courier.
- Για ογκώδη αντικείμενα (Ηχεία, Ενισχυτές κλπ) η αποστολή γίνεται με Μεταφορική Εταιρεία κατόπιν συνεννόησης και ανάλογα τον προορισμό.
> Δείτε περισσότερα σχετικά με τις παραδόσεις
Σχετικά προϊόντα
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Το TECNODEC είναι το βασικό - entry level πικάπ της Michell και μοιράζεται πολλά χαρακτηριστικά που αναπτύχθηκαν αρχικά για το μεγαλύτερο αδερφάκι του, το GyroDec, όπως η απόσβεση κραδασμών, το πλατώ, το ανεστραμμένο bearing καθώς και το μοτέρ το οποίο δεν έχει επαφή με το υπόλοιπο πλατώ. Το TecnoDec είναι ένα πικάπ χωρίς ανάρτηση που χρησιμοποιεί υλικά και τεχνολογίες που συνήθως δεν συναντάμε σε entry level πικάπ.

Rega Planar 6
Rega Planar 6
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Rega Planar 6
Όλοι στην REGA δουλέψανε ακούραστα για βελτιώσουν κάθε πτυχή αυτού του βραχίονα. Ο νέος REGA RB330 προσφέρει βελτιωμένη εργονομία και ηχητική απόδοση. Διαθέτει νέο σύστημα bias, επανασχεδιασμένο πιο άκαμπτο bearing, ενσωματωμένο κλιπ βραχίονα και βελτιωμένο περίβλημα ελατηρίου με πιο ευανάγνωστους αριθμούς. Επιπλέον νέο καλώδιο phono χαμηλής χωρητικότητας κατασκευασμένο από την Rega τερματισμένο με βύσματα Neutrik, ακόμα χαμηλότερες τριβές, οριζόντια και κάθετα bearings ακριβείας και ένα επανασχεδιασμένο βάρος 100 g.

Δεν υπάρχει καμία αξιολόγηση ακόμη.